
Entity Definition

Logical Name : NozzleHistory
Physical Name : LE_HST_NZL

The total number, volume and monetary value of all FuelingTransactions performed on a particular LogicalNozzle during a time period bounded by two consecutive ForecourtSettlementTransactions Totals are separated by Prepay and Postpay FuelingTransaction

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) ForecourtSettlementTransaction(TR_STLM_FCRT)
RetailStoreID (FK)(PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer Nozzle(AS_NZL)
FuelingPointID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for the FuelingPoint at a particular retail store ID_PNT_FUEL Identity integer Nozzle(AS_NZL)
NozzleID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier for the Nozzle ID_NZL Identity integer Nozzle(AS_NZL)
PostpayFuelingTransactionCount The number of PostpayFuelingTransactions performed on the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction QU_TRN_FUEL_PSPY QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
PostpayFuelingTransactionVolume The number of Postpay FuelingTransactions performed on the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction QV_TRN_FUEL_PSPY Quantity decimal(9,2)
PostpayFuelingTransactionAmount The total monetary amount of FuellingTransactions performed at the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction MO_TRN_FUEL_PSPY Money decimal(16,5)
PrepayFuelingTransactionCount The number of PrePayFuelingTransactions performed on the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction QU_TRN_FUEL_PRPY QuantityTransactionCount decimal(7,0)
PrepayFuelingTransactionVolume The number of Prepay FuelingTransactions performed on the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction QV_TRN_FUEL_PRPY Quantity decimal(9,2)
PrepayFuelingTransactionAmount The total monetary amount of FuellingTransactions prepaid at the LogicalNozzle during the period of time covered by the ForecourtSettlementTransaction MO_TRN_FUEL_PRPY Money decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ForecourtSettlementTransaction is closed by NozzleHistory
Nozzle is summarized in NozzleHistory

Logical Views containing NozzleHistory

Logical View
Logical 20040 - Forecourt History View